One-fit-on-charger for all Cell Phones

Your cell phone is dead and you don’t have a charger. But everybody else you know has a charger, but you are not able to use it as your cell phone is of different make and model. Ain’t that annoying?

Currently, every company ships its own charger. In fact, many companies have different chargers for its models. So whenever you buy a new model, you get a new charger.

But those days will likely be over in the near future. And the Europeans are leading that trend. Thanks to the European Commission, starting 2011 the cell phones sold in Europe will have a one-size-fit-all charger. In fact major cell phone makers including Apple, Motorola, Samsung and Research In Motion, have signed on to the agreement.

A standardized and common charger will be beneficial for the consumers as well as for the companies which can drastically cut down on cost of making new chargers with new models. And it is also a green move as having one charger for all would mean less e-waste and usage of fewer resources.

In India too, we should urge our telecom authorities to ask the cell phone makers to provide a standardized one-fit-in-charger for all.