After a decade of waiting and a two year delay, Mobile Number Portability (MNP) will ultimately be a reality. It has been launched in Rohtak, Haryana today and marks the end of the service providers rein over the custyomers. Telecom Ministry officials informed that it is likely to be launched in other parts of the country by the end of December.
MNP which should have been a part of Indian telecom success story long time back was being held back by the service providers. The providers feared that the customer loyalty (either willingly or enforced) would be gone with MNP as customers would simply move to a new provider if they are not happy with the current provider.
It will definitely lead to a tariff war and VAS offerings will also increase as the telecom service providers would try their best to retain their existing customers. Providers with bad customer services should take notice as their subscribers number will go down rapidly unless they start offering good services and tariffs quickly. The customer is ultimately the king!!!!