WiFi is the way to go

Well, WiFi was earlier looked upon as a competition by the wireless operators. But today, slowly and steadily, the operators have realized the importance of WiFi in their business. WiFi is being looked at as a facilitator and an enabler, and it is becoming a part of the service offerings.In fact, many operators are open to actively manage it and are even making it as part of their 3G/4G network.
To read my complete article, please click on the link: http://telecomlead.com/inner-page-details.php?id=3488&block=Contributed

Cloud as Green Tech

Cloud is been adopted a Green Tech by companies!! But can you really term Cloud as a Green Tech? I definitely believe so. Just imagine the space, electricity and energy that an organization can cut down when they move into Cloud (specifically in Infrastructure As A Service)!! You as an organization not only save money but would be making an environmental conscious decision.

So yet another brownie point for Cloud adoption. But then I would rather say—Go Cloud. Go Green!!

Cloud must for social enterprise

Check out Want a social enterprise? You'd better be in the cloud by Glenn Weinstein CTO and co-founder of Appirio.

He begins on the right track:The notion of building a “social enterprise” is taking root in customer relationship management (CRM) circles lately. A social enterprise, according to Salesforce.com CEO Marc Benioff, has three primary characteristics:
  • Employees are connected to customers and prospects through public social networks, such as LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Employees collaborate internally by means of a private social network
  • Enterprise applications themselves are “social,” which means that a system can post updates to, or consume data from, a social media stream
You can't help but agree with his view-points whic h can prove invaluable for the CIOs. As he pointed out, "The real opportunity here for the CIO is to jump into the breach and prove that IT can provide value by organizing technology in support of these social phenomena. It’s not enough to trust that your helpdesk personnel are subscribing to the right Twitter hashtags. You’ve got to provide real support, in a way that only IT can, by stepping up your CRM game, by owning and deploying social network tools, and improving your enterprise apps to tap into these social tools".

Do read the whole article to great a fanstatc insight: