Get Secured via Cloud

Cloud is changing the way we consume/approach security. Gartner’s recent prediction buoyed the enthusiasm of the Cloud supporter, “Increased adoption of cloud-based computing is expected to impact the way security is consumed as well as how key government agencies will prioritize security of public cloud infrastructures”.
Now check out what Gartner has to say about the security solutions industry for 2013 and beyond:
  • By 2016, public cloud infrastructure will include and be mandated to critical national infrastructure regulations by the U.S.
  •  By 2015, 10 percent of overall IT security enterprise product capabilities will be delivered in the cloud.
  •  By 2015, 20 percent of the VPN/firewall market will be deployed in a virtual switch on a hypervisor rather than a physical security appliance.

Cloud Changes the Game in Sourcing Market

Seeing the latest development around the world, specific to Cloud, I can’t help but agree with Gartner’s recent views, “Sourcing managers must consider the opportunities and risks presented by the convergence of social, information, mobile and cloud when re-evaluating sourcing options, delivery models and vendors.”
The following pointers definitely important and can be game-changers in the sourcing market
  • Growing cloud adoption will force sourcing managers to reconsider sourcing governance techniques and contracting practices
  •  Revised mobile strategies, such as bring your own device (BYOD) and mobile applications availability, will expand IT service sourcing requirements as users demand new services
  •  New information channels, coupled with data management and reliability issues, will make sourcing options analysis and vendor evaluations more complicated and more critical
  •  Social technologies will change the way that sourcing organizations interact with suppliers and customers, from requirements definition, through contract negotiation and vendor performance evaluation