Capacity Management Important for Private Cloud

Read an interesting article Top tips for calculating the cost of a private cloud. It highlights the importance of capacity management in private cloud.

Accordingly to Dr. Owen Rogers, digital economist at analyst firm 451 Research, one of the most important tasks is to consider how capacity will be added over time, and how much it will cost. However, this is also one of the least considered areas when weighing up the costs involved in moving to a private cloud, he warns.

“A private cloud is ultimately a fixed capacity, and its utilisation will vary depending on the behaviour of its applications and the end-users using it,” he says. “From a cost-efficiency point of view, the best situation is when the entire capacity of the private cloud is utilised, so the unit cost per virtual machine is the smallest.”

It is really surprising to see organizations going ahead without much focus on proper capacity management process or plans as they go ahead with private cloud. But issues arise when they scale up and operations become massive, and that’s when the cost and everything spirals out of control. That is the main reason why organization should first make a proper capacity management plan, look at current capacity and prepare for the capacity that would be required in the future. It is imperative to remember that capacity management is not a stop gap solution but an end-to-end process.