Valentine's Day Celberation, Protests And A Proposal

Well, this much everybody knows-- Valentine’s Day is about celebration of love. There are various stories about what led to the celebration and who actually was the person. It mainly became popular in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the Middle ages, and he’s been credited as the one of the people who made this day popular as the day of expression of romantic love. Nowadays, it’s not only associated with romantic love but love in all forms—thanks to the marketing efforts of numerous greeting cards and gifts-making companies.

Well, this is also true that this day is an import to our country but this is an age of globalization so obviously fancy things catches and there is no harm in having a day for celebration of love—although I am of the view that everyday should be celebration of love.

But to protest against this as an invasion of our culture is like living with a frog-in-the-well mentality. Is it a part of our culture to beat-up boys and girls who celebrate this? No doubt, people like this should have their faces blackened. Today they say no valentine celebration, tomorrow they will say (and have said) no birthday cakes, and after that they will say no trousers and shirts and then one of them might come up with the brilliant idea that everybody should stay in caves!!!

Gentlemen, if you are so interested and vocal about the cultural protectivism start-off something like Radha-Krishna day (who is better to be a symbol of love than Radha-Krishna). Do some good marketing, get some great jingles and employ some great advertising agencies – and it will definitely catch-up. If you go these kinds of productive ways people might like you too and you will end up generating money and employment for many and will be a great defender of culture and tradition.

As for me, earlier I would have preferred to spend my day and any day-- Lying down by the side of the sea, with tiny drops of water falling on my body, the slight breeze kissing me, the smell of the sea heightening my senses, basking under the warmth of the sun, listening to music, reading a good book, cool glasses of Margherita and Mojito in my hands, and nobody to disturb—what a bliss.

But now things seem to have changed. The place where my kiddo and wife is—that’s my bliss and heaven now!!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!!! Love Rocks!!!