Psstt: Google to rival Facebook

Well, there’s been a chatter doing rounds that Google is coming out with something to rival Facebook. Well, Good Luck!! It would be tough to beat the giant that Facebook has become in the social networking scenario. But then it’s Google!!!

Google did come out with Orkut to use it at the place to be in for the netizens and to touch base with their friends and known ones. It was of same idea but with a different perception. It did well in countries like India and Brazil; but it did not really hit off in the major places of the world. Then it came out with Buzz which was similar to Twitter, but again it was not really a master-stroke.

Now Google is reportedly taking the talked about social networking initiative seriously. A Google insider even mentioned that Google sees Facebook as a strong competitor, and amount of data it stores (thanks to it ever growing members)—it won’t be a surprise if it comes out with a Search Engine of its own.

Google has the muscle and the talent to do it. Just look at success of its Android phones. Here wishing luck to Google!!!