Change IT Policy for Tablet Usage

Today with the rapid usage of tablets at the workplace are becoming a source of headache for the CIOs and HR managers. You cannot stop your employees from using their personal devices at office. It makes sense to encourage them to use whatever devices they are comfortable. After all employee satisfaction and comfort is a major focus point in the IT companies. So what do you do?

 First of all, change your corporate policies. Don't try to control your employees devices (it's not going to work), instead you can put a control on how they use it for the corporate work.

Secondly, with more and more people working from home, devising a concrete policy is even more bigger challenge. Hence work together with the employees to work out a solution which leaves space to them as well as keep you secured.

Check out the article that appeared in Computer World.

Localized Content--The Way to Go

I have always supported content localization as a great tool to reach all your target audience. It's of course not an easy way to go, but that's the way we should take if we want to be a global success and reach the global market.

Read an rather interesting post on the same at ComputerWorld. Check it out: The Case for Content Localization

Cloud Computing as a B2C tool

The potential of cloud excites. I do really believe that within this decade it will grow to a great level. But then why won't it? Besides the computing services, you can use the cloud for storage too. Imagine the easy and cost effective access to all those movies, books and videos that people can store ans share (but of course via legal means).

The simplicity, availability and easy access to the content, be it video or written, will be the main driver of cloud for business-to-consumer or even consumer-to-consumer usage. Cloud is already seen as a great advantage for B2B operations, and I definitely feel that within a couple of years you can its consumeristic power to. Yup, cloud is the way to go.

Use Your Eyes as a Mouse

Tobii PCEy
Now this is straight out of some sci-fi movies!! You can control any computer using your eyes!!!!

Tobii Technology, the world leader in eye tracking and eye control, recently launched Tobii PCEye which makes it possible to do so.

Tobii PCEye is a highly advanced and innovative stand-alone eye control device that brings eye control to the standard computer. It allows your eyes to move the mouse cursor on the screen and do your work.

To use it, you simply have to attach the device to a computer screen and connect the USB cable. And bingo—you can control your computer by gazing, blinking or dwelling on any items on the screen.